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Empowering you, on your path to full potential.

Compass North Coaching is an authentic and innovative coaching and career management firm that drives organizational performance while supporting individual success.  I work with dynamic thought leaders to deliver growth and success in the areas of effective communication, engagement, business transformation and talent advancement. I do this by providing four specific services; Executive Coaching, Team Development, Organizational Strategy/Design and Personal Career/Life Coaching.

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Intention That Makes a Difference

Making a change starts with a step. Sometimes it's a leap and sometimes it's more of a shuffle, but the key is to take it. 

Way finders throughout time have helped those on a journey of discovery with orientation, route decisions, and holding the course so the voyager can navigate safely through unfamiliar territory.  As a modern day way finder I have served as a global advisor to business leaders on topics of Leadership Readiness, Engagement, Recruitment, Transformational Alignment, and Organizational Design.  

Let's talk about what your journey could look like.

Wandering Traveler


Individualized Career Success Strategy

Synergistic energy from a strong partnership allows you to manifest a career by your design.  I will help you synthesize situations and resources into concise actionable steps that propel your career forward, all the while honoring your whole and authentic self. It's about supporting the alignment of your actions with your purpose.


Leverage Opportunity

I understand and exercise the power of effective listening leading to situational resolution and organizational growth.
Extensive experience partnering with executives to design best in class teams who demonstrate strong engagement, communication, and leadership, creating repeatable success.

Toy Plane
doing work together


Get the Best from your Team

Through design and facilitation I will partner with you, to develop impactful group exploration and development meetings. Facilitating the experience for you, allows for your fully focused engagement and learning.
Then in conclusion, I will work with you to create the best narrative of the journey, and the outcome, empowering you to communicate the value to your organization.


Inspiration & Accountability

How strong is the alignment between your calling and your conduct. Think about a recent challenge and it's impact on your integrity. Was the result what you wanted? Coaching provides you a space to create your best life, by your design.

Man Looking Out to the Mountains
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What Clients Are Saying

Carrie has been truly amazing. She's helped my perspective and challenged me to rise to a new level. She's helped me understand that there's nothing I can't achieve or overcome. She's challenged me to have tough conversations and helped me to understand more about myself and my value as a leader.

S. Dodd

Through our time together, she has helped me keep a focus on how I am caring for myself so that I can better develop others, guided me to see the many ways I can best engage my direct reports to both support and develop them while honing my delegation skills, and very importantly, she has helped me along my journey to quantifying information with sharper strategy so that I am well positioned to support the organization's overall missions, objectives and needs.

You are very skilled at your work Carrie!

M. Muszynsk

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“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour”

Walt Whitman

Sat on the Rocks
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Ready to transform your life? Contact me today to schedule a session.

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